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Fernand Léger: La Boutteille bleue, 1951

Fernand Léger: La Boutteille bleue, 1951

180,00 EUR

Margin scheme - Works of art excl. Shipping costs

Product no.: *leg-51-02/MaS35

Print datasheet


    La Guilde Internationale de la Gravure  Geneve, 1951 

    color serigraph from an original scetch on Arches paper

    blindstamp "Sérigrapie F. Leger"

    56 x 38 cm

    edition of 1000 unsigned copies  

    printer: Jean Bruller, Paris

    in good condition


    catalogue raisonné:

    Saphire, Lawrence, Fernand Léger - The Complete Graphic Work, New York 1978, E 8

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